AI News
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Velto's Take on OpenAI's DevDay: Revolutionising Business with AI

OpenAI's DevDay event, a first of its kind, has opened a new chapter in the realm of artificial intelligence.
Image Credits: insta_photos
Written by
Daniel Fayomi
Published on
November 15, 2023


As Sam Altman took the stage, he shared an inspiring vision, showcasing advancements that not only reflect technological progression but also hint at a transformative future for businesses. At Velto, we're excited to dive into these innovations and explore how they can be leveraged for business transformation.

Pioneering AI Developments: A Summary of OpenAI's DevDay

The DevDay event highlighted several key advancements in AI, including:

  • Introduction of GPT-4 Turbo: Offering a massive 128,000 tokens of context, GPT-4 Turbo is a game-changer in processing extensive data, akin to digesting 300 pages of a book.
  • Enhanced Model Control: New features like JSON Mode and reproducible outputs provide developers with more control over model responses.
  • Up-to-Date World Knowledge: GPT-4 Turbo comes equipped with world knowledge updated to April 2023, ensuring more relevant and accurate responses.
  • Integration of New Modalities: Incorporation of DALL-E 3, vision capabilities, and text-to-speech models in the API, expanding the horizons of AI applications.
  • Customizable Models: Tailoring AI models for specific business needs, enabling a more personalized approach to AI solutions.
  • Increased Affordability and Accessibility: A significant reduction in the cost of using GPT-4 Turbo, making advanced AI more accessible to a wider range of users.

Velto's Insights: Harnessing OpenAI's Innovations for Business Excellence

At Velto, we believe these advancements are not just technological milestones; they represent a plethora of opportunities for businesses to innovate, grow, and excel.

  • Empowering Businesses with AI: The new capabilities of GPT-4 Turbo can transform business operations, from enhancing customer service to optimizing internal processes.
  • Personalized AI Solutions: The customizability of AI models opens doors for businesses to create bespoke AI solutions tailored to their unique needs and objectives.
  • Enhanced Accessibility and Affordability: The reduced cost of GPT-4 Turbo makes cutting-edge AI technology more accessible, enabling even small and medium-sized businesses to leverage AI for growth.

Velto: Facilitating Your AI-Driven Business Transformation

At Velto, we are committed to helping businesses navigate the rapidly evolving AI landscape. Our expertise lies in identifying and implementing the most suitable AI solutions that align with your business goals and challenges.

Embark on Your AI Journey with Velto

Velto is ready to guide you through the exciting possibilities that OpenAI's latest advancements offer. Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your business needs and integrate AI solutions that propel your business forward.


In conclusion, OpenAI's DevDay has ushered in a new era of AI possibilities, opening doors for businesses to innovate and thrive. Velto stands at the forefront of this revolution, ready to help you harness these advancements for your business's success. Whether it's optimizing operations, enhancing customer experiences, or developing custom AI solutions, the potential is limitless. Join forces with Velto to transform these possibilities into realities, and let's navigate the future of AI together. Reach out to us today, and let's embark on a journey to redefine what's possible for your business in the AI-driven world.

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